There are many, many, many fun and entertaining events that a person could write about concerning the state fair--like rock concerts or carnival games or amusement rides or 1,000 lb. prize-winning pumpkins. It actually can be a bit overwhelming. So, for today's post I'm going to focus on one aspect of the fair . . .
Deep-Fried Food On A Stick.
I am simultaneously fascinated and repulsed by the deep-fry phenomenon. Jonathan and I went to the fair on opening day and while we walked around I felt like I was in a movie called
Smeagol's Great Adventure At The State Fair, because these thoughts kept going through my head:
We need to try the deep-fried cheese curds."
"I'm afraid to try the deep-fried cheese curds."
Be adventurous and give us the deep-fried cheese curds."
"It has the word 'curd' in its name and it sounds too much like another word."
We wants it. We needs it. We must have the precious cheese curds."
(sobbing) "I hate you. I hate you."
I didn't end up trying the cheese curds, I was able to walk on past. However, the fair isn't over, so I still might fall into the hot cheesy center of
Mount Doom.
Besides the cheese curd, there were many other foods fated for the bubbling hot oil (
two curds enter, one curd leaves). Here are some examples:
- Deep-Fried Bacon Caramelized with Maple Syrup on-a-stick
- Chicken Fried Bacon served in a boat covered in Gravy
- Fried Bologna on-a-stick
- Deep-Fried Pickles
- Deep-Fried Bacon Cheddar Mashed Potatoes on-a-stick
- Deep-Fried Norwegian Banana Split
- Deep-Fried Smores on-a-stick
- Deep-Fried Shortcake on-a-stick
- Deep-Fried Candy Bars on-a-stick
And the pickle dog...
A pickle smothered in cream cheese and wrapped in pastrami.

We didn't eat any of the above, mainly because we're not 18 anymore and, therefore, no longer possess iron-clad stomachs.
That doesn't mean we stayed away from all fair food, because there was one thing I couldn't resist. I think it had to do with my inner child and the idea that something so wonderful could exist and you could actually buy it for your very own.
The giant pail of hot-from-the-oven chocolate chip cookies.

The woman behind the counter said they sell about 1,000,000 cookies a day at the fair. The fair is 12 days. So,that's a lot of yummy, warm, gooey, chocolate, sugar love! Yum.
Now, I may never completely embrace the deep-fry adventure that is fair food, but there's something to be said about just enjoying yourself for a day and partaking in whatever sweet, strange or somewhat gross kind of food you want. With that in mind, maybe I will try a deep-fried cheese curd. Maybe.